The new permanent exhibition at the MAC-Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya, IMPERIVM, Roman stories, is a guide to the discovery and knowledge of the Roman civilization through the stories of different inhabitants of the Roman Empire, of their worries and longings, expressing in the first person the experience of what it was like to live in this complex and diverse world, but at the same time global and integrating.
In the context of these stories we find the different areas that will speak to us in a general, open and cross-cutting way about the substantial themes that made up Roman civilization and culture, such as the principles and manifestations of power, beliefs, social structure, leisure, work and more. Through the presentation of and dialogue with the objects and resources of the exhibition, visitors will be able to recognise and grasp the essence of Rome, as well as the projection of its power and its culture for around 700 years throughout the Mediterranean and Europe.
The works on display belong to the Roman collection at the MAC, coming mainly from the Roman cities of Barcelona, Tarragona and Empúries, but also from the rest of the territories where the power of Rome extended. Audiovisual and interactive resources play a fundamental role in the presentation, which is based on an integrated and personalised audio guide system.
This activity is part of the Cultural Regatta, the programme of activities promoted by Barcelona City Council with the collaboration of the Government of Catalonia, to go with the America’s Cup being held in Barcelona.
Days | Hours | Preus | ||
Dimarts, dimecres, dijous, divendres i dissabte |
de 09:30 h a 19:00 h |
Entrada general: 7 €
Reduïda: 5 € - 65 anys o més - pensionistes - titulars del Carnet Jove - carnet d'estudiant internacional - posseïdors del carnet de família nombrosa o monoparental - grups no turístics de mes de 10 persones
Gratuït: - menors 16 anys - persones aturades - persones amb certificat de discapacitat - membres de l'ICOM o l'ICOMOS - membres de la SCA (Soc. Catalana Arqueologia) - membres de l'AMC (Ass. Museòlegs Catalunya) - personal docent - 12 de febrer (Santa Eulàlia) - 23 d'abril (Sant Jordi) - 18 de maig (Dia Internacional dels Museus) - 11 de setembre (La Diada) - 24 de setembre (La Mercé) - primer diumenge de cada mes
Arqueoticket: 14.5 €. | ||
Diumenge i festius |
de 10:00 h a 14:30 h |
- Occur on:
- Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya.
Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya
- Address:
- Passeig de Santa Madrona, 39*41
- District:
- Sants-Montjuïc
- Neighborhood:
- el Poble-sec
- City:
- Barcelona
- When
- Permanent event
Phone number
- Tel.:
- 934232149
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