

Art. A raw look at the reality of women artists.

From 10 March to 7 May 2025 the Matas i Ramis Civic Centre will be hosting the exhibition CRUa, curated by Andrea Cobo of curatearth. The exhibition brings together the artists Galya Budagova, Marina G. Roig and Killa.ek, who will be exploring the reality of women in art. From various perspectives, their work reflects how pain and discomfort become drivers of creation, whilst maintaining and raw, direct essence.

CRUa not only shows the reality of women in art, it also invites us to reflect on the politics inherent to being a woman and creator. The exhibition provides a unique opportunity to see how art can be a visceral and honest form of expression, offering a powerful and personal view of the experiences of women artists.



Registration at:
Centre Cívic Matas i Ramis.
Occur on:
Centre Cívic Matas i Ramis.

Comissariada per: curatearth (Andrea Cobo)

Artistes: Galya Budagova, Marina G. Roig i Killa.ek

L'art no és de ningú i és, a la vegada, de tothom. Quan decidim crear, el punt de sortida som nosaltres mateixos, tot i que després ho podem fer des d'un alter ego. Ser dona i artista és condicionant. Tot és polític. "CRUa" té la intenció de plasmar com les dones artistes viuen la seva realitat com a dones en l'art. El dolor i la incomoditat, sempre motors per a crear, es representa de maneres molt diferents, però totes crues, pures i amb filtres o sense.

Projecte Pankhurst.

Sala Ignasi Vallhonesta

Centre Cívic Matas i Ramis

Carrer de Feliu i Codina, 20
Centre Cívic Matas i Ramis
From 10/03/2025 to 07/05/2025

Phone number


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