

Singer-songwriter. Highlights include performances by Pi de la Serra, Maria del Mar Bonet, Elèctrica Dharma, Cesk Freixas, Marina Rosell and others.

Barnasants, the singer-songwriter festival, is holding its 30th edition from 24 January to 1 June under the slogan El gos la va dinyar, la ràbia es va quedar (dead dogs still bite), coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the death of Franco.

The opening concert is by Pi de la Serra at L’Auditori on Friday, 24 January.

This year's line-up features Joan Amèric, Pep Mirambell, Rafa Pons, Eduard Iniesta, Sandra Bautista, Marina Rossell, Maria del Mar Bonet, Cris Juanico, Montse Castellà, Elèctrica Dharma, Cesck Freixas, Gemma Humet and many other artists.

Check out the programme.

Diferents equipaments de la ciutat
From 24/01/2025 to 01/06/2025

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