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15th BCN Sports Film Festival
Cinema. The festival specialising in films centred on sport presents 81 productions that you can see free of charge.
- Where:
- Museu Olímpic i de l'Esport Joan Antoni Samaranch de Barcelona
- When:
- From 17/02/2025 to 25/02/2025

Festa del tramvia
Festa ciutadana. Hi haurà música, activitats per a tota la família i moltes sorpreses.
- Where:
- Av. Diagonal, entre Girona i Bruc
- When:
- 22/02/2025

Grigory Sokolov
Classical music. The Russian pianist returns to the Palau de la Música.
- Where:
- Palau de la Música Catalana
- When:
- 20/02/2025

'El principi d'Arquímedes’ (Archimedes’ Principle)
Theatre. A fresh look at Catalan theatre's big international hit.
- Where:
- Espai Texas
- When:
- From 19/02/2025 to 27/04/2025

Book Music Festival
Music and books. Literature and music come together at a new festival
- Where:
- Fabra i Coats - Fàbrica de Creació
- When:
- From 21/02/2025 to 22/02/2025

‘Fernando Botero. Un mestre universal’
Painting. The exhibition explores Botero’s extraordinary versatility in the use of different pictorial techniques and the wealth this meant for his...
- Where:
- Palau Martorell
- When:
- From 14/02/2025 to 20/07/2025