‘La Ciutat i el Park’ [The City and the Park]


Visits. A series of routes to discover different facets of Park Güell.

This summer, the Barcelona History Museum (MUHBA) is organising a series of routes that will offer a closer look at different facets of Park Güell.


  • Park Güell and water. From bare mountain to city garden: Sunday 2 June, from 10 to 11.30 am.
  • Park Güell and Barcelona: Sundays 16 June and 1 September, from 10 am to 12 noon.
  • Barcelona’s first viewpoint. The expansion of the city seen from Tres Turons: Saturdays 22 June and 7 September, from 6 to 8 pm.
  • Gràcia 1900. The bourgeois face of a working class neighbourhood’: Sunday 7 July, from 10 am to 1 pm.
  • Gaudí at Park Güell: architect, town planner and landscape designer: Thursday 11 July, from 6 to 8 pm.
  • Architecture and nature at Park Güell. Family activity: Saturday 28 September, at 10 am and 11.30 am, €2.
  • The lure of the mountain. A literary route around Park Güell: Friday 14 July from 6.30 to 8 pm, and Saturday 30 September from 11 am to 12.30 pm.

Further information and bookings.


Visites i itineraris

  • El Park Güell i l’aigua. De muntanya pelada a jardí de la ciutat

Diumenge, 2 de juny, de les 10.00 a les 11.30 h, 2 €. MUHBA Park Güell

Diumenge 1 de setembre, de 10.00 a 12.00 h, 2 €

Feu la reserva prèvia  aquí

Els dissabte 22 de juny i 7 de setembre, de 18.00 a 20.00 h, 2 €

Feu la reserva prèvia  aquí

Diumenge, 7 de juliol, de 10.00 a 13.00 h, 2 € Inici: porta del Carmel del Park Güell Final: Jardinets de Gràcia

Feu la reserva prèvia   aquí

Dijous, 11 de juliol, de 18.00 a 20.00 h, 2 € Inici: porta del c. Olot del Park Güell

Feu la reservà prèvia  aquí

Activitat familiar

Dissabte, 28 de setembre, a les 10.00 i a les 11.30 h, 2 €.

Feu la reserva prèvia  aquí

Divendres 28 de juny a les 19 h, 2 €

Dissabte 21 de setembre a les 11 h, 2 € 

Feu la reserva prèvia   aquí

Park Güell

Carrer d'Olot, 7
la Salut
Park Güell
From 02/06/2024 to 28/09/2024

Phone number


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