Theatre. An invitation to contemplate human resilience and the importance of memory in the construction of a more compassionate future.
The show opens with Daniy’el introducing us to a scene of a bombarded landscape. Based on the experiences of Èmerita Arbonès and Eulàlia Berenguer during their escape from an occupied city to the safety of a neighbouring country.
The second story, Els Nens, explains the odyssey of a 10-year-old child and his younger brothers in their search for shelter, taking them from one refugee camp to another and highlighting the courage and solidarity that come out in the toughest experiences.
L’Horror transports us to the Mauthausen concentration camp, where a prisoner tells us of their daily struggle to survive the brutality of the SS and the kapos.
The show concludes with the return of Daniy’el, who offers us a reflection on the experience of exile, highlighted by two anonymous poems set to music.
Artistic team
Dramaturgy: Ferran Castells; Directed by: Teresa Davant; Performed by: Ferran Castells; Stage design and wardrobe: Llorenç Corbella; Sound design and sound space: Àlex Polls; Video screenings: Hèctor Mas (Gestió i Producció Cultural Mas) and Daniel Arellano (Dandream films); Music arrangements: Kic Barroc.
Show in Catalan.
Duration: 80 minutes.
Days | Hours | Preus | Observation | |
Dijous i divendres |
a les 18.30 h |
Entrada general de: 20 a 24 €
(+ despeses de gestió) |
Durada: 80 minuts | |
Dissabte i diumenge |
a les 17.00 h |
- Tickets sold at:
- Teatre Gaudí de Barcelona.
- Occur on:
- Sala Gran "La Claca".
Teatre Gaudí de Barcelona - Sala Gran "La Claca"
- Address:
- C Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 120
- District:
- Eixample
- Neighborhood:
- la Sagrada Família
- City:
- Barcelona
- When
- From 06/03/2025 to 23/03/2025
Phone number
- Tel.:
- 936035161
- Web venda d'entrades:
- https://teatregaudibarcelona.com/
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