Theatre. María Pujalte, Cristina Plazas and Francesca Piñón directed by David Selvas.
Friends since school, Susi, Carmen and Encarna get together in a hotel a long way from the city. It’s six months since the death of Bàrbara, a woman thirty years their junior who they all adopted and loved in different ways.
Bàrbara’s last wish is to lay bare the vision that each of them have of each other and of themselves. Their relationship with work, motherhood and feminism.
“What Bárbara wanted us to do is a reflection. A joint reflection. Aloud. About those decisions. A reflection I’ll be doing with a sleeping pill on board because you are really bitches.”
A thus a narrative is created that sketches their contradictions and at the same time traces the fate of their friendship.
They are Barberas. They're your mother, your friend, your daughter, your sister-in-law, your neighbour, you.
Artistic team
Created by: Lucía Carballal; Directed and translated by : David Selvas; Cast: María Pujalte, Cristina Plazas, Francesca Piñón, Berta Gratacós.
Show in Catalan and Spanish.
Duration: 90 minutes.
Days | Hours | Preus | Observation | |
Dimecres, dijous i divendres |
a les 20.00 h |
Entrada general de: 20 a 29 €
(+ despeses de gestió) |
Durada: 90 minuts | |
Dissabte |
a les 17.00 h i
a les 20.00 h | |||
Diumenge |
a les 17.00 h |
- Tickets sold at:
- Teatre Borràs.
- Occur on:
- Teatre Borràs.
Teatre Borràs
- Address:
- Pl Urquinaona, 9
- District:
- Ciutat Vella
- Neighborhood:
- Sant Pere, Santa Caterina i la Ribera
- City:
- Barcelona
- Where
- Teatre Borràs
- When
- From 04/02/2025 to 13/04/2025
- Web venda d'entrades:
- https://www.balanaenviu.com/
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