Film and debate. On Fridays in March, this programme includes a film screening and a discussion around various mental health issues.
Every day, an increasing number of people experience symptoms of emotional upset and distress. Mental health is gaining ground in public debate, and we are seeing the launch of health, prevention and normalisation initiatives. The programme Salut mental i joves. La pel·lícula que em va canviar la vida (Mental health and young people. The film that changed my life uses audiovisual art and conversation as a driver of critique, reflection and learning to promote a change in attitude to combat social intolerance and exclusion.
- Friday, 7 March: De tu a tu. Joves sense interferències (From you to you. Young people without interference): Issues will be discussed such as stigma and normalisation, and myths and fake news around mental health.
- Friday, 14 March: Xarxes socials. Complicitat o fragilitat (Social media. Complicity or fragility)?: Following a screening of the film Las gentiles (The Gentiles), a discussion will be held on fragility, personal exposure, identity, relationships with others and social isolation.
- Friday, 21 March: Tu i els altres. Dimensions íntimes (You and others. Intimate dimensions): The support of the other is a refuge when everything is falling apart. We’ll be talking about fragility, stereotypes, reflecting on the need for self care and protecting oneself from madness.
- Friday, 28 March: Supera’t! Viu l’esport i els hàbits saludables (Challenge yourself! Experience sport and healthy habits): A discussion on healthy habits, the importance of loving oneself, self care and acceptance. Based on the film Brittany Runs a Marathon, we’ll be reflecting on self-esteem, anxiety about our looks and life changes through a woman who is determined to run the New York Marathon.
Days | Hours | Preus | Observation | |
Divendres |
a les 17.00 h |
Entrada Gratuïta |
Cal inscripció prèvia |
- Occur on:
- CaixaForum Macaya.
CaixaForum Macaya
- Address:
- Pg Sant Joan, 108
- District:
- Eixample
- Neighborhood:
- la Dreta de l'Eixample
- City:
- Barcelona
- Where
- CaixaForum Macaya
- When
- From 07/03/2025 to 28/03/2025
Phone number
- Tel.:
- 934579531
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