Fun Run. Come and run this fun 4 km event the day before the marathon.
Fun and a great atmosphere are assured on Saturday 15 March, thanks to the Breakfast Run, a really laid back festive event open to all and concluding with a communal breakfast.
Registration is free.
Days | Hours | Preus | Observation | |
dissabte |
a les 09:30 h |
Entrada Gratuïta |
Cal inscripció (places limitades a 2.500 inscripcions)
Sortida: Plaça Puig i Cadafalch. |
- Linked to:
- 46a edició Zurich Marató de Barcelona 2025.
- Organised by:
- Institut Barcelona Esports.
i la plataforma Marató
- Where
- Sortida de la plaça de Josep Puig i Cadafalch
- When
- 15/03/2025
- Web:
- http://www.zurichmaratobarcelona.com
- Web inscripcions:
- https://www.zurichmaratobarcelona.es/breakfast-run/
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