Opening speech for La Mercè 2024


Traditional festivals. Illustrator, painter and sculptor Carme Solé Vendrell will launch the city's big annual festival.

The La Mercè 2024 festivities will begin on Friday 20 September at 7 pm, with the reading of the opening speech in the Saló de Cent at Barcelona City Hall. This year, the speaker will be Carme Solé Vendrell.

Born in Barcelona in 1944, this illustrator, painter and sculptor who trained at the Escola Massana School of Art has created a widely recognised visual universe. She has created iconic illustrations for children’s books and magazines, and also the giant called Laia.

With exhibitions in cities such as Barcelona, Madrid and Paris, Solé Vendrell has always maintained close links with her home town. She’s also been deeply involved with worthy causes, such as the campaign for children’s rights. Why?

The opening speech will also be broadcast in Plaça Sant Jaume, with a translation into sign language.



Occur on:
Ajuntament de Barcelona.

Saló de Cent

The La Mercè opening speech in the Saló de Cent

Mercè 2024 has an opening speech featured by an artist who has made art her way of life: Carme Solé Vendrell. Born in Barcelona in 1944 and educated at the Escola Massana, this illustrator, painter and sculptor has created a visual universe recognized everywhere. She is the hand behind iconic illustrations in children's books and magazines, and his illustration of the Santa Eulàlia poster inspired the figure of the traditional figure Laia.

With exhibitions in cities such as Barcelona, ​​Madrid and Paris, Solé Vendrell has always maintained a close link with his hometown. In addition, she has been very involved in solidarity causes, such as the campaign for children's rights Why?

The opening speech is broadcast on a screen in Plaça de Sant Jaume, with sign language translation. You can also follow it through the municipal website by streaming.

Ajuntament de Barcelona

Pl Sant Jaume, 1
Ciutat Vella
el Barri Gòtic
Ajuntament de Barcelona

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