‘Helen Keller, a muller marabilla?’


Documentary theatre. The show explores the personality of the activist Helen Keller, a pioneer in the struggle for equality, social justice and dissidence at the height of the ‘American miracle’.

The new production from the Galician company Chévere explores the possibilities of integrating oral language and sign language (LSE) in a single production, and with equal status, to dismantle the myth of Helen Keller and reveal the forgotten and hidden facets of the life of this deaf-blind North American activist.

The experiment of integrating two such different languages questions the way theatre is produced and confronts hearing people with the reality of deaf people, their language, their culture and their marginalisation.

Also, in order to make the production equally accessible to blind people, an audio description service is offered at all performances (limited units).

Born in Tuscumbia (Alabama), Helen Keller became a global celebrity when, according to official sources, she became the first deaf-blind person to get a university degree in 1904 at Harvard, following a tough 8-year long learning process.

Artistic Team

Playwright and director: Xron; Cast: Patricia de Lorenzo, Ángela Ibáñez, Chusa Pérez de Vallejo.

Bilingual show in Spanish Sign Language and spoken Spanish (and in Galician every Saturday).

Length: 1 hour and 25 minutes.



Occur on:
Sala Lliure de Gràcia.

Idea original: Chusa Pérez

Dramatúrgia i direcció: Xron Chévere 

Intèrprets: Patricia de Lorenzo, Ángela Ibáñez i Chusa Pérez

La companyia gallega Chévere s’endinsa en la personalitat de l’activista nord-americana Helen Keller, pionera de la lluita per la igualtat, la justícia social i la dissidència en ple ‘miracle americà’.

Als 19 mesos, Helen Keller va perdre la vista i l’oïda per una malaltia. Així i tot, el 1904 es va convertir en la primera persona sorda i cega que va obtenir un títol universitari. Tota la seva vida, però, va haver de lluitar menys contra les discapacitats que contra una societat dissenyada per a ‘vidents’ i ‘oients’. Dissident anticapitalista en un context anticomunista, redescobrirla és trencar el silenci que plana sobre les dones rebels.

Teatre Lliure - Sala Lliure de Gràcia

C Montseny, 47
la Vila de Gràcia
Teatre Lliure - Sala Lliure de Gràcia
From 09/05/2024 to 19/05/2024

Phone number


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