Monologue. A piece that depicts life with a mental illness.
A meeting is taking place on the stairs. The woman from flat 2 on the third floor doesn’t usually attend these meetings but today she believes she needs to be there so she’s had to clock off early at the supermarket where she works. There is something very important that she needs to tell her neighbours. She needs to ask an awkward favour, which is difficult to agree to. A favour related to the stigma that people with mental illness have to endure.
Artistic team
Created by: Víctor Borràs; Directed by: Ivan Benet; Performed by: Àurea Márquez
Show in Catalan.
Duration: 70 minutes.
Days | Hours | Preus | Observation | |
Dilluns i dimarts |
a les 20.00 h |
Entrada general de: 12 a 24 €
(+ despeses de gestió) |
Durada: 70 minuts |
- Tickets sold at:
- Espai Texas.
- Occur on:
- Espai Texas.
Espai Texas
- Address:
- Carrer de Bailèn, 205
- District:
- Gràcia
- Neighborhood:
- la Vila de Gràcia
- City:
- Barcelona
- Where
- Espai Texas
- When
- From 25/02/2025 to 25/03/2025
- Web venda d'entrades:
- https://espaitexas.cat/espectacle/la-dona-del-tercer-segona/
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