Vintage markets circuit


Second hand. All sorts of second-hand and vintage clothing and objects to browse and choose from!

Markets Barcelona organises various markets where you can find tonnes of second-hand clothes, artwork, games, furniture and other items.

Upcoming dates:

  • 1 and 2 March: Akilo vinatge store - Central Poblenou
  • 2 March: Everything at €1 - Ovella Negra
  • 9 March: Everything at €5 - Soulivre
  • 8 and 9 March: Akilo Vintage Store - Central Poblenou
  • 8 and 9 March: Vintage Kilo Market - Mecal Factory
  • 16 March: Los 22 del Market - Soulivre
  • 15 and 16 March: Akilo Vintage Store - Central Poblenou

Further information.


Markets de roba vintage de segona mà

Properes dates:

Dissabte 9 i diumenge 10 de novembre. 2x1! 2x1! 2x1! .Entrada gratuïta. 11-19 h. Central Poblenou (carrer Pere IV 117)

Diumenge 10 de novembre. Tot a 1 €. Entrada 3 €. 10-19 h. Nau Bostik - Sala Andy Warhol y Pilar Vers (carrer Ferran Turné 11)

Diumenge 10 de novembre. A kilo: Vintage Market. Entrada gratuïta. 10-19 h. Nau Bostik - Sala 53 (carrer Ferran Turné 11)

Diumenge 17 de novembre. TODO A 5€. Entrada 3 €. 10-19h. Nau Bostik (carrer Ferran Turné 11)

Mecal Factory - Nau Bostik - Central Poblenou - Soulivre - Ovella Negra

Mecal Factory - Nau Bostik - Central Poblenou - Soulivre - Ovella Negra
From 01/03/2025 to 09/03/2025

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