‘Nudo’, the Unleashed Poetry Festival


Poetry. The hybrid event embraces poetry and combines it with other artistic disciplines in small-format activities.

Barcelona will be the setting for the Nudo, Unleashed Poetry Festival from 30 March to 6 April, the annual poetry encounter that celebrates the unsuspected links between living beings and inanimate objects, between ideas and forms.

The festival reaches its 9th edition this year celebrating light, because what would life be without poetry? A world in darkness, for sure.

Participating in Nudo will be Elia Serrano, Iñaki C. Nazabal, Laia Claver, Salvador Giral, Sheila Blanco, Mª Ángeles Pérez López, Manuel Marsol, Gonzalo Escarpa, Laura Sam and many others.

The Pati Llimona community centre will be hosting Nudos y desnudos on Saturday, 5 April, with workshops, an open mike, a poetry aperitif and twenty stands with all sorts of items linked to poetry.

Another important feature at the festival will be the collective exhibition Ad Astra per Aspera, at the Inusual Project cultural space, with works by over twenty visual artists that have gifted us their vision and made up a suggestive multi-disciplinary landscape that moves between light and shade.

Check out the programme.


NUDO, festival de poesia desencadenada és una trobada poètica híbrida que abraça la poesia en fusió amb altres disciplines artístiques en esdeveniments de petit format.

Va néixer el 2017 i ja fa set edicions, amb la intenció de mostrar la realitat poètica contemporània sense límits de fronteres, formats o llenguatges.

El 2025 celebra la novena edició a Barcelona.

Consulteu aquí tota la programació.

Diferents espais de la ciutat

Ciutat Vella
el Raval
Diferents espais de la ciutat
From 30/03/2025 to 06/04/2025

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