‘Passaran coses fantàstiques’ [Wonderful Things Will Happen]


Comedy. A show for all lovers of true crime and mystery podcasts.


One night, in the kitchen in a flat in Barcelona, Artur is snooping with his amateur detective kit through the building's skylight. His partner, Joana, is getting ready to go to work at the care home where she's often been working double shifts to make ends meet ever since Artur quit his job as an accountant to reinvent himself and dedicate his life to his true crime podcast.

For weeks, Artur has been obsessed with the disappearance of Àgata who lives at flat 4t 3a, a lovely lady who’s a huge fan of Núria Feliu. According to him, the culprit is Enric, a supposed nephew who's been living with Àgata for a short time, and who behaves very suspiciously. Might this be the case that catapults Artur to fame?

Might it be the trigger point that finally makes fantastic things start to happen to him? But what if fantastic things are already happening without anyone knowing?

Artistic team

Written and directed by: Jordi Casado i Olivas and Sílvia Navarro i Perramon; Cast: Sergi Armentano, Júlia Santacana, Teresa Vallicrosa and Ferran Vilajosana

Show in Catalan.

Length: 95 minutes.



Occur on:
Sala FlyHard.
Tickets sold at:
Sala FlyHard.

Un vespre, a la cuina d’un pis de Barcelona, l’Artur espia amb el seu kit de detectiu aficionat a través del celobert de l’edifici. La seva parella, la Joana, es prepara per anar a treballar a la residència d’avis on està fent doble torn molts dies per arribar a final de mes, des que l’Artur va deixar la feina de comptable per reconduir la seva vida i dedicar-la al seu pòdcast de true crime.

L’Artur duu setmanes obsessionat amb la desaparició de la veïna del 4t 3a, l’Àgata, una adorable senyora que és molt fan de Núria Feliu. Segons ell, l’autor del crim és l’Enric, un suposat nebot que fa poc que viu amb l’Àgata i que té actituds ben sospitoses. Pot ser aquest, el cas que catapulti l’Artur a la fama?

Pot ser que sigui la clau que faci que per fi comencin a passar-li coses fantàstiques? Però i ja estiguessin passant coses fantàstiques sense que ningú no ho sàpiga?

Edat recomanada: + 12 anys

Sala FlyHard

C Alpens, 3
la Bordeta
Sala FlyHard
From 17/10/2024 to 09/12/2024

Phone number


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