Magic. A historical journey through magic for all the family.
Magician Yunke, considered to be one of the best illusionists in the world and current World Magic Award winner, is back on stage in Barcelona, touring his new show Hangar 52.
After more than four hit seasons in Spain, and seen by more than 2.6 million spectators, Magician Yunke combines high level magic with fantastic visual production.
The show, which is on at the Teatre Apolo, is an experience for all the family to enjoy, featuring illusions and jaw-dropping tricks designed to leave even the most demanding spectators in awe.
Hangar 52 has been recognised as one of the best magic shows in the world.
Days | Hours | Preus | Observation | |
Dijous |
a les 20.00 h |
Entrada general de: 25 a 45 €
(+ despeses de gestió) |
Durada: 80 minuts | |
Divendres i dissabte |
a les 17.00 h i
a les 19.30 h | |||
Diumenge |
a les 12.00 h i
a les 17.00 h |
- Tickets sold at:
- Teatre Apolo.
- Occur on:
- Teatre Apolo.
Teatre Apolo
- Address:
- Avinguda del Paral·lel, 57 - 61
- District:
- Sants-Montjuïc
- Neighborhood:
- el Poble-sec
- City:
- Barcelona
- Where
- Teatre Apolo
- When
- From 13/03/2025 to 30/03/2025
Phone number
- Tel.:
- 93 459 99 39
- Web venda d'entrades:
- https://teatreapolo.com
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