

Family entertainment. Based on the German legend ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’ and halfway between musical theatre and concert, this is a visual, energetic and humorous production.


Les Rates are a group of boys and girls who survive on the streets of Hamelin, earning a living by breaking the rules to the rhythm of their own strident music. Irritated, the people of the neighbourhood urge the mayor to take firm action against them. But then one day, a musician arrives in the city who creates hypnotic melodies, and captivated by the energy radiated by Les Rates, he invites them to join him and add one of their own songs to his repertoire. Thanks to this song, their luck changes and they become the musical phenomenon of the day.

Seeing the potential the new version of Les Rates holds for attracting tourists and money to the city, the mayor offers them an exclusive contract to play at a charity concert to raise funds for a soup kitchen in the city's most disadvantaged neighbourhood. The musicians accept, but soon realise that the mayor has other plans for the proceeds of the concert.

Show in Catalan.

Duration: 65 minutes.

Recommended age: 5 and over.



Tickets sold at:
Jove Teatre Regina.
Occur on:
Jove Teatre Regina.

Les Rates és un grup de nois i noies que sobreviu als carrers d’Hamelín tot guanyant-se la vida infringint les normes al ritme de la seva música estrident. El veïnat, molest, insta a l’alcalde a portar una acció definitiva contra ells. Un dia, però, arriba un músic a la ciutat que crea melodies hipnòtiques i, atrapat per l’energia de Les Rates, els proposa unir-s’hi afegint un tema propi al seu repertori. Gràcies a aquest tema, la seva sort canviarà i es convertiran en el fenomen musical del moment.

L’alcalde veient el potencial de la nova versió de Les Rates, per atraure turistes i diners a la ciutat, els oferirà un contracte exclusiu per tocar al concert benèfic que ha de servir per habilitar un menjador social al barri més desfavorit de la ciutat. Els músics accedeixen, però aviat descobriran que l’alcalde té altres plans als que destinar la recaptació del concert.

Edat recomanada: a partir de 5 anys.

Jove Teatre Regina

C Sèneca, 22
la Vila de Gràcia
Jove Teatre Regina
From 01/03/2025 to 23/03/2025

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