Entrades exhaurides
Indie rock music. As well as revisiting their greatest hits, the Scottish band will be presenting their new album, ‘The Human Fear’.
Franz Ferdinand, known for their countless hits, such as Take Me Out, No You Girls, Do You Want To and The Dark of the Matinée, will be offering three concerts in Spain, one of them at the Razzmatazz in Barcelona on Tuesday 18 February.
Days | Hours | Preus | ||
Dimarts |
a les 21.00 h |
Entrada general: 45 €
(+ despeses de gestió) |
- Occur on:
- Razzmatazz.
- Address:
- C Almogàvers, 122
- District:
- Sant Martí
- Neighborhood:
- el Parc i la Llacuna del Poblenou
- City:
- Barcelona
- Where
- Razzmatazz
- When
- 18/02/2025
Phone number
- Tel.:
- 933208200
- Web venda d'entrades:
- https://www.ticketmaster.es/event/franz-ferdinand-entradas/42259
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