Mahler’s Universe (IV) Symphony No. 6


Symphonic. The score chronicles the misfortunes of a man who feels himself becoming smaller in the face of adversity. But in spite of the tragic events, this is a deeply human emotional journey that is ultimately a reaffirmation of life itself.

Also known as the “Tragic” symphony, Gustav Mahler’s symphony No. 6 draws us into his inner world, featuring emotional highs and lows throughout.

Percussion embodies the emotional extremes that the composer sought to convey, first with the sound of cowbells, evoking a nostalgic image of rural life, and later with the famous hammer blows. Each of those hammer blows of fate represents a tragic event that drives out happy memories.

The Gran Teatre del Liceu is currently immersed in the Mahler’s Universe series, a fascinating programme that provides an opportunity to enjoy the complete symphonies of Gustav Mahler under the baton of Josep Pons, principal conductor of the institution's resident ensembles, presenting this beautiful piece with a certain autobiographical depth; a pessimistic representation of man's desperate struggle with his own destiny, perhaps even with death.



Occur on:
Gran Teatre del Liceu.

“La Sisena és la seva obra més personal i és, a més, profètica”. Amb aquestes paraules, Alma, la dona de Gustav Mahler, definia el llenguatge sonor apocalíptic d’aquesta simfonia.

Un món en si mateix que prefigura i anticipa les catàstrofes personals del mateix compositor: el diagnòstic d’una malaltia cardíaca incurable, la mort de la seva filla Maria amb quatre anys, la mort de la seva sogra en el funeral de la seva filla, fracassos professionals com la dimissió forçada de l’Òpera de Viena...

Anomenada Simfonia “Tràgica”, introdueix el públic en el món interior del compositor, tot mostrant els alts i baixos emocionals més pronunciats que recorren tota la partitura. 

Gran Teatre del Liceu

C la Rambla, 51*59
Ciutat Vella
el Raval
Gran Teatre del Liceu

Phone number

Ticket sale:
934 859 913 de dilluns a divendres, de 10 a 18 h

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