Pantalla BDC


Film. The festival features films such as ‘As bestas’, ‘Nomadland’ and ‘Robot dreams’, and also includes films for family audiences for the first time.

Pantalla BDC is a quality local film cycle that triggers questions and reflections, with free admission.

Under the title Imagining futures, the autumn programme offers an array of films that throw up ideas about what is to come. What will social progress be like in the future? What effects will the climate emergency have? How will communication work? Will social media be as important as it has been until now? What will happen with migration, education, artificial intelligence, access to housing, care etc?

The programme for the 13th Pantalla BDC also includes six films for family audiences, in the section known as Petit Cineclub: Animalades de cine, Dúnia i l'eco del tambor, El gat Tabby, La mama és pura pluja, La revolta dels contes and Perdut i trobat.

Check the calendar of screenings or download it in PDF.

Pantalla és el circuit del Barcelona Districte Cultural que, amb dues cites anuals (estiu i tardor), programa a 23 centres cívics pel·lícules de qualitat tant d’arreu del món com produccions de proximitat, que donen fe del bon estat de la cinematografia local. Com a novetat, aquesta tardor s’incorpora el Petit Cineclub, l’espai dedicat a la projecció de cinema d’animació adreçat a infants

Consulteu programació en aquest enllaç.

Als Centres Cívics de Barcelona

Als Centres Cívics de Barcelona
From 17/10/2024 to 29/03/2025

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