‘La Titellada’| 19th Les Roquetes Puppet Festival


Puppets. The festival invites us to discover the art of puppetry through a series of free activities for all audiences.

The 19th Les Roquetes Puppet Festival, La Titellada, is on from 17 to 28 September in various neighbourhood spaces such as the Les Roquetes Rafa Juncadella Library, Plaça Trobada, Plaça Titellaires and Ateneu 9 Barris, with activities for all the family linked to the world of puppetry.

A chance to enjoy shows, processions, workshops , talks and exhibitions.

Further information.


Podeu consultar el programa d'activitats al següent enllaç

Exposicions (durant tot el mes):

  • Institut Guineueta: retrospectiva d’un projecte educatiu amb titelles, al Centre Toni Guida
  • L’Aparador delsTitelles de les escoles del barri, al Comerços de l’Ass.de Comerciants de Roquetes
  • Llibres i Titelles, a la Biblioteca Les Roquetes-Rafa Juncadella
  • Festivals i Mostres de Titelles a Catalunya, a l'Ass.de Veïns i Veïnes de Roquetes

Plaça Trobada, plaça Titellaires, Biblioteca Rafa Juncadella, Centre Ton i Guida i Ateneu popular 9 Barris

Nou Barris
les Roquetes
Plaça Trobada, plaça Titellaires, Biblioteca Rafa Juncadella, Centre Ton i Guida i Ateneu popular 9 Barris
From 17/09/2024 to 28/09/2024

Phone number


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