Encants Movies 2025


Solidarity leisure. A varied programme that includes exhibitions, competitions, workshops and much more, to raise funds for the Fundació Ronald McDonald.

Encants Movies 2025 is on at the Mercat dels Encants from 17 to 22 March, offering a wide array of activities for all audiences.


  • Exhibitions: on Monday 17, Wednesday 19, Friday 21 and Saturday 22 March. One of the two exhibitions will be by the digital artist and illustrator David Ribet, with twenty works linked to film. The second will be by the artist Alex Dominguez, with a project combining recycled cardboard and freakishness.
  • Interactive photocalls: there will be two interactive photo calls devoted to Jurassic Park and Akira, where you can take photos of yourselves as a unique souvenir of the event.
  • Special film session: the documentary Juego con la muerte is being screened in the Sala Polivalent on Friday, 21 March, from 4 pm to 8 pm, in a session that includes additional scenes and extra material from the film.
  • Cosplay competition: a cosplay competition is being held on Saturday 22, where participants can dress up and imitate fictional characters and compete by showing the quality of their costume and their interpretation.
  • Character parade: the parade is on Saturday at 4 pm and follows a route that takes around 40 minutes.
  • Concert: the group Reservoir Rock will be offering a concert paying tribute to the music of Tarantino in a concert on Saturday,22 March, from 12 noon to 2 pm.
  • Talks and workshops: the Sala Polivalent will be the scene of various training activities on Saturday, such as the workshop to create Star Wars helmets from cardboard, given by Alex Dominguez, and the talk Musicals over time, with Mario Gas, Vicky Peña, Camilo García and Maife Gil.
  • Children’s activities: for young children, with a face-painting area and a Jedi Academy, where kids can take part in light-sabre classes and get their Jedi diploma.


Mercat Encants Barcelona - Fira de Bellcaire

Carrer de los Castillejos, 158
el Fort Pienc
Mercat Encants Barcelona - Fira de Bellcaire
From 17/03/2025 to 22/03/2025

Phone number


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