46th Cursa de la Mercè Bimbo Global Race


Fun Run. New for this year: the event includes the Cursa Familiar de la Mercè Bimbo Global Race [Family Race].

As part of the programme for the La Mercè festivities, the streets of Barcelona are once again set to fill with runners on 29 September, for the Cursa de la Mercè Bimbo Global Race.

With its usual distance of 10 kilometres, the race starts in Av. Reina Maria Cristina at 8.30 am and explores the city centre, visiting iconic spots such as Av. Paral·lel, Pg. San Joan and Pl. Universitat.

The adapted 2 km run is linked to the 10 km race and aimed at people over the age of 14 with intellectual disabilities, reduced mobility or other physical factors which mean they are unable to cover the 10 km distance.

For the first time, the event will include a Cursa Familiar, a race aimed at all kinds of families, whose physical fitness and/or age mean they are unable to cover the main 10 km route, or simply prefer not to.

Further information and registration.



Occur on:
Avinguda Maria Cristina.
Organised by:
Institut Barcelona Esports.

As part of the Festes de la Mercè, on September 29th the streets of Barcelona will be prepared to receive, once again, a large crowd of enthusiastic runners. La Cursa de la Mercè Bimbo Global Race will offer different modalities so that everyone can participate according to their abilities and age: the Cursa de la Mercè 10K Bimbo Global Race, the Cursa de la Mercè 2K Inclusiva Bimbo Global Race -aimed at people over 14 years old with intellectual disabilities or reduced mobility who for physical reasons cannot complete a distance of 10 kilometers- and the Cursa Mercè Jove Bimblo Global Race.

DISTANCE: 10 km.

ROUTE: Av. Reina Maria Cristina – Pl. Espanya– Av. Paral·lel - Calàbria - Gran Via Corts Catalanes - Pl. Tetuan – Pg. Sant Joan – Ali Bei (reverse direction) – Roger de Flor - Pg. Pujades - Pg. Lluís Companys – Ronda Sant Pere – Pl. Catalunya – Ronda Universitat – Pl. Universitat – Ronda Sant Antoni – Sepúlveda – Viladomat – Av. Paral·lel, from Viladomat to Lleida (Besòs-facing side) – Av. Paral·lel – Pl. Espanya– Av. Reina Maria Cristina. Finish: Av. Reina Maria Cristina.

Avinguda Maria Cristina

Avinguda de la Reina Maria Cristina, 1 - 13
el Poble-sec
Avinguda Maria Cristina

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