Mobile World Congress 2025


Connectivity. The largest international event dedicated to connectivity and mobile technology, this year based around the slogan 'The world’s largest connectivity event'.

The Mobile World Congress (MWC) is being held at Gran Via de Fira Barcelona from 3 to 6 March.

This is the biggest and most influential industry event for connectivity, mobile technology and other innovation in this sector, providing a unique opportunity for visitors to explore the latest developments and news from the most prestigious companies on the international scene.

MWC Barcelona centres on the application of artificial intelligence and the evolution of 5G, with over 1,200 speakers around 19 stages. The congress brings together 2,700 exhibitors from around the world and is expected to get 101,000 visitors.

Further information.


El Mobile World Congress (MWC) Barcelona és on conflueixen les tres forces vitals de la nostra indústria: la tecnologia, la comunitat i el comerç. És on 5G es connecta amb els assumptes globals. La indústria connecta amb la tecnologia immersiva i les petites empreses es connecten amb els gegants de la tecnologia. També és on s'escoltaran els debats més importants de l'any.

Fira Barcelona - Recinte Gran Via

Av Joan Carles I, 64
Hospitalet llobregat
Fira Barcelona - Recinte Gran Via
From 03/03/2025 to 06/03/2025

Phone number

93 233 20 00

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