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Global world. A cycle of free talks at libraries, about human rights, the role of the bank in wars, migration and more.
International relations based on production and the economy, the division of work and the configuration of North and South call out to us to contribute to the processes of global change.
From the perspective of global justice, the cycle Un altre món és possible? (Is another world possible?) will be talking about those who defend human rights, about the role of the bank in wars, migration and the polarisation they generate, from the fight for gender equity to the unequal access to technology. The cycle rounds off by remembering the role of creation as a tool for activism.
- Bibioteca Vallcarca i els Penitents – M. Antonieta Cot Library, on Thursday, 6 February, at 6.30 pm: Indigenous peoples and environmental justice. By Miquel Figueras, from AlterNativa Intercanvi amb Pobles Indígenes / UAB.
- Biblioteca Poble-sec - Francesc Boix, on Monday 10 January, at 6.30 pm: The case of Ukraine and Palestine: building peace in times of war. By Luca Gervasoni, director of the Institut Novact de Noviolència.
- Biblioteca Sant Gervasi - Joan Maragall, on Tuesday 11 February, at 6.30 pm: Mexico: defending the right to inform, defending human rights. By Wara Revollo from the Taula per Mèxic.
- Biblioteca Sant Pau - Santa Creu, on Tuesday 18 February, at 6.30 pm: Islamophobia, gender, hate speech and media violence. By Cristina Vilaplana.
- Biblioteca Vapor Vell, on Thursday 20 February, at 6.30 pm: Who funds wars: are there alternatives to the armed bank? By an expert researcher in the armed bank from the Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau.
- Biblioteca Ignasi Iglésias - Can Fabra, on Monday 24 July, at 6:30 pm: A present with AI: promises, realities and some alternatives from digital justice. By Núria Vallès, reseracher in Science and technology Studies with the CSIC Institut d’Investigació en Intel·ligència Artificial (IIIA). Presented by Carlos Bajo, head of Digital Justice with Oxfam Intermón.
- Biblioteca Guinardó - Mercè Rodoreda, on Thursday 13 March, at 6.30 pm: The global word. By Tita Berasategui, poet.
Admission to the sessions is free until capacity is reached.
Days | Hours | Preus | Observation | |
6 febrer,
10 febrer, 11 febrer, 18 febrer, 20 febrer, 24 febrer i 13 març |
a les 18.30 h |
Entrada Gratuïta |
Aforament limitat |
- Occur on:
- Biblioteca Vallcarca i els Penitents - M. Antonieta Cot.
- Biblioteca Guinardó - Mercè Rodoreda *Tancada fins el 12 de març.
- Biblioteca Ignasi Iglésias - Can Fabra.
- Biblioteca Vapor Vell.
- Biblioteca Sant Pau - Santa Creu.
- Biblioteca Sant Gervasi - Joan Maragall.
- Biblioteca Poble-sec - Francesc Boix.
- Organised by:
- Direcció de Serveis de Drets Humans, Justícia Global i Cooperació internacional.
Diferents biblioteques de Barcelona
- City:
- Barcelona
- Where
- Diferents biblioteques de Barcelona
- When
- From 06/02/2025 to 13/03/2025
Phone number
- Tel.:
- 932112351
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