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Traditional festivals. The local festival turns 50 and marks the occasion with a hundred activities for all audiences, including exhibitions, workshops, concerts, lectures, theatre, fairs and games.
The annual festival in La Sagrera is being held from 14 to 24 November.
The celebrations get under way with the traditional ‘Toc d’Inici’ opening ceremony at the community centre of “La Barraca” in La Sagrera on Thursday, 14 November, at 8.30 pm. Shortly afterwards, there’s a performance by the Esbart l'Estel dance group, plus a dance by the local festive giants of Sagrerina and Bostikina, leading to one of the most iconic acts: the opening speech, this year centring on the 50th anniversary of this neighbourhood festival.
Traditional culture takes centre stage, representing a large number of the central activities on Sunday, 17 November. The day starts with an early morning of firecrackers known as the ‘Matinades de Foc’ and continues with a standing display of festive giants in Plaça Masadas, featuring twenty giant figures from different places. The parade sets off at 11 am, and an hour later at noon comes the 12th human towers meeting with the Castellers de Sant Feliu, the Colla Castellera de l’Esquerra de l’Eixample and the Colla Castellera Jove de Barcelona.
The festival continues until 24 November with concerts, theatre, workshops, sports championships, games, traditional dances, lectures and activities for all tastes.
- Organised by:
- Comissió de Festes de la Sagrera.
Carrers del barri de la Sagrera
- Address:
- Pl Jardins d'Elx, 1
- District:
- Sant Andreu
- Neighborhood:
- la Sagrera
- City:
- Barcelona
- Where
- Carrers del barri de la Sagrera
- When
- From 14/11/2024 to 24/11/2024
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